Tameca McPherson of Shelby County Head Start has gone above and beyond! Check out the trophy the top parents in each classroom get! How much would your parents love to be recognized for using ReadyRosie and engaging their children?
We know a trophy for the top parents might be out of your budget, but have you seen the certificate you can use? You can edit it however you like.
In addition to Shelby County, we have heard from lots of teachers who have given creative incentives. Patty Hinajosa from Bakersfield, CA, used labels with the ReadyRosie logo on them. She wrapped them around a pencil as a flag and handed them out to students who had watched a predetermined number of videos. Several groups of teachers have created ReadyRosie goody bags for top videos watchers. They bought inexpensive bags and filled them with a deck of cards, a set of dice from a dollar store, and a ReadyRosie sticker!
What about a ReadyRosie Hall of Fame? Post the names of students and their pictures for every 5 videos watched. Or you could make a ReadyRosie graph. In a visible spot, graph how many videos different classes have watched.
Let us know how YOU celebrate your students.